looking in wonder, expressing our hopes, fears, loves and dreams… art can be seen as a universal language, as well as a way of shaping the world we live in. we take inspiration and material from nature as much as from the urban space, and by creating we contribute to form the world, combining the necessary for the soul and mind with the necessary for our material comfort and safety – for humans and the planet.
what we do
these are some examples of our upcoming workshops and activities for individuals, groups and communities
inspiration and innovation through art & nature
looking in wonder, expressing our hopes, fears, loves and dreams… art can be seen as a universal language, as well as a way of shaping the world we live in. we take inspiration and material from nature as much as from the urban space, and by creating we contribute to form the world, combining the necessary for the soul and mind with the necessary for our material comfort and safety – for humans and the planet.
plant a seed – strengthen the resilience
As individuals and groups we gain resilience, independence and strength through connecting to our roots and growing towards the light. Urban agriculture and hydroponics – purpose-made or using recycling material – are ways that demonstrate and support this in a touchable, eatable, delicious and fresh way, also contributing to creating connections and encouraging exchange among the participants.
life is stories… and as we tell them, we’re able to connect – as individuals, as a community, as well as to our surroundings and nature. from traditional storytelling to our own life stories and stories that arise at the moment, long developed or improvised on the spot: sharing is both serious and fun, and very powerful. part of the stories is also critically thinking about media, images, selfie-culture, fake news and different realities. Home isn’t Mom and Dad and ... read more...
migration – humans on the move
Throughout history people have moved, travelled, migrated… for as long as we can remember. It is part of our experience, whether we move between places ourselves or meet with others coming to ours. And all those who left and were forgotten – very often continue to remember where they came from for generations, while the traces at their places of origin become more and more invisible. Through sharing our experiences we become aware of how much we have in common, ... read more...